I was invited and was happy to bring my boyfriend as my date. This would be our first official function as a couple and I wanted to make sure we looked our best.
The Comedian owns one suit, and it is dark blue. I had planned on wearing a black dress with red stilettos. Now I'm not a fashion diva by any stretch of the imagination, but I know enough that particular combination of dress & shoes would not look good sitting next to his blue suit.
I began a week long hunt for a new dress. I wanted to get either a steel grey or a dark blue dress. I think I tried on 580 dresses and I could not find one that would fit around my chest.
I was at dinner the other night with my friend LP and I was recounting my tale of woe when she looked at me and asked, "Why don't you just buy blue shoes?"
All together now - DUH!!!
The next day I found the most amazing pair of shoes at Winners! They were originally $60, marked down to $40, and I got another $5 off because there was a teeny scratch on one of the heels. (I fixed it with black marker and clear nail polish!)

On the way to the cash, I noticed the men's section had ties. My eye honed in on the perfect tie that matched my shoes exactly! SCORE!!! It was a little more than I would have liked to spend on a tie, however I couldn't let something that matched so perfectly slip away.
Here is the final result, with accessories, hair and make up.
We had a glorious evening! I almost felt like it was our wedding, I was just *that* happy to be with him. We ate, we drank, we danced, we laughed and it felt like we'd been together for years and this was one of many nights we had the great pleasure of enjoying together.
One thing I really love about him is that he is able to fit right in no matter what situation he's thrown into. We were at a huge Jewish wedding with 250 guests. He didn't know a single person except me. By the end of the night, he'd made several new friends. That is a true testament to his natural charm and friendly nature.
We both took today off anticipating giant hangovers. However, we were well fed and the 6 JD & Coke we each put away had literally zero effect. Which meant we had the day to spend any way we wanted. So I suggested we hit up Canada's Wonderland, as I hadn't been all summer.
I had mentioned this idea to him last week and he said he wasn't "really a ride kind of guy". I took that as, "It's not my number one choice for an activity, but I'll go anyway."
Um, yeah. What he should have said was, "Roller coasters terrify the bejesus out of me, please don't make me go!!!"
But he went, because he knew how much I wanted to go. And I have to give him a zillion points for being an amazingly good sport about the whole day.
I started us out on the biggest coaster in the park - The Behemoth. This coaster lives up to its name. The first drop is 230 feet, at a 75 degree angle, reaching a speed of 125 km/hr (that's 77 mph for my American friends) in 3.9 seconds.
He didn't like it. But he didn't complain. And he didn't complain when I stood us in line for Top Gun. This coaster has a 103 foot drop with 5 inversions, one of which is a double barrel roll, reaching a top G-force factor 4.
Um, he didn't like that one either. But still not one complaint.
We stood in line for The Bat, which was my favourite coaster up until they debuted The Behemoth. This one runs you through it forward, and then backwards. So you get to do 3 inversions twice, with a top G-force factor of 5.2.
As we were waiting, we were chatting. At one point he stopped mid sentence and asked, "How many rides have we done so far? Four?"
"No honey, only two. The Behemoth and Top Gun."
He got this look on his face that I can only describe as pure and utter defeat.
"That's all?!"
I almost fell down I was laughing so hard. My poor boyfriend was so traumatized by two rides that he felt like he'd been on twice as many.
I promised him The Bat would be the last one and he would be rewarded for his valiant and brave effort.
I think he liked it the least of all.
So being true to my word, here was his reward. Lucky for me, he still liked me enough to share.
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