In honour of this, my lip busted out in a cold sore which has left me looking like someone punched me in the mouth. I can see everyone staring at it because it's just freaking huge and a bloody mess.
I also managed to convince myself that I had ringworm.
A few days ago I was sitting at my desk, working on my presentation and tearing out my hair because the phone would not stop ringing. As I was on a call, I noticed my left arm was super itchy.
I looked down and saw this (FYI, this is a Google image, and not my actual arm):

I recognized it immediately as I studied this in the many years of biology I took in university.
So of course I googled it just to make sure and yup, that is the classic clinical presentation of ringworm.
How on earth would I have contracted ringworm? Did I catch it from my cat? Did I catch it from The Comedian's dog? Did I eat too many mushrooms? How the hell was I gonna get this treated? I still haven't found the time to get to the lab for blood work that my doctor ordered three weeks ago.
The phone started ringing again, and again, and again. Then it was time for lunch which I just ended up eating at my desk because I had to keep working on my presentation.
I looked at my arm again and saw that my ringworm was gone.
I guess it was just an impression from my MedicAlert bracelet that usually ends up sticking to my arm, right around that same spot.
Yes, I know. I'm insane. But can you blame me?
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