On Sunday, The Comedian and I were over at Jelly's house for a BBQ that was held pretty much in his honour. I am certain my friends love my boyfriend more than me now. Jelly has never thrown a BBQ in my honour. But that's fine. I will ride his coattails of popularity and reap the benefits of food and drink!
We had to be inside for the day because it was bloody cold out! But Jelly's husband was a good sport and manned the BBQ while the rest of us, including Blondo, her hubby & kids, were inside drinking booze and laughing our heads off.
Blondo was getting drunk a lot quicker than the rest of us, which is always entertainment in itself. At one point, Jelly brought out a book she has from 1913 which was about sex education. (Don't ask me why, but whenever my girlfriends and I get together, we always talk about sex, babies and vaginas.) There were funny diagrams - one of the male anatomy minus the penis - and lots of virtuous advice on how to maintain one's morality.
It was amazing to spend the afternoon with my best friends, their husbands and children and my guy. That scene was exactly how I've always dreamed my boyfriend and my BFFs would be with each other.
On Monday, we went to a local parade with his mom, sister, brother-in-law and kids. Afterwards, we went over to his sister's for a BBQ, and again we stayed inside because of the cool weather.
His brother-in-law gave me the official tour of the house and then said, "Now that you know where everything is, you just go ahead and help yourself to whatever you'd like." He made sure to show me the location of the beer fridge. :)
We ate, we talked, we laughed, we played with the kids, and then I fell asleep on his shoulder while sitting on the couch watching the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon.
After waking up and thanking his sister for the hospitality, we went back to his place to watch the end of the telethon and for me to pack up and get ready to hit the road back to the Tdot.
I cried my eyes out watching Jerry Lewis perform the final song "You'll Never Walk Alone". He was so emotional he could barely choke out the words, which of course made me cry even harder. The Comedian had tears in his eyes as well.
To lighten the mood, we flipped on Comedy Central and they were running a Roast marathon. We were laughing so hard we cried (again)!
I guess all the crying is probably what pushed me over the edge when it came time to leave. It was 11pm and I was standing at the door hugging him goodbye and all of a sudden I started bawling.
We spent the better part of the next 2 hours discussing our options for spending more time together. Between the tears, we decided we want to move ahead faster than we originally planned. So it was decided that I would start researching commuting options from St. Catharines to Toronto.
I managed to finally peel myself from him at 1am and started the long trek home.
Luckily there was no traffic so I managed to make really good time back to the city. I was flying along at around 130km/hr for most of my trip. I was also crying for most of my trip.
I got to the Allen Express, which is about 5km from my apartment, and I remember thinking to myself there's a speed trap at the southern end of the express way where the speed drops from 80km/hr to 60km/hr.
So I slowed down, but since I generally do 20km/hr over the limit when I drive, I dropped my speed from 100km/hr to 80km/hr. And two seconds later, I saw a cop walking into my path with his hand raised.
"I'm pulling you over for speeding. Give me your license. If your driving record is good, I will drop the fine."
He showed me the radar gun which read 83km/hr. I started crying and handed him my license. I pulled over into the parking lot where his and another cruiser were sitting.
As I waited for my punishment, I cried even more. This wouldn't be happening if The Comedian and I lived in the same city. This wouldn't be happening if I wasn't so tired while I was driving. This wouldn't be happening if I hadn't spent the better part of my drive home bawling my eyes out.
The cop came back with my license and yellow ticket in hand.
"Your driving record is clean. Now at 23km/hr over the limit, it would be a $120 fine and 3 points off your license. But I am dropping it to 1km/hr over the limit and a $17.50 fine with no points."
He handed me the ticket and my license and I cried harder and apologized profusely.
"It's okay. Have a good night. Drive safe."
And for your amusement, and much to my chagrin, here is my very first speeding ticket ever. :P
Luckily there was no traffic so I managed to make really good time back to the city. I was flying along at around 130km/hr for most of my trip. I was also crying for most of my trip.
I got to the Allen Express, which is about 5km from my apartment, and I remember thinking to myself there's a speed trap at the southern end of the express way where the speed drops from 80km/hr to 60km/hr.
So I slowed down, but since I generally do 20km/hr over the limit when I drive, I dropped my speed from 100km/hr to 80km/hr. And two seconds later, I saw a cop walking into my path with his hand raised.
"I'm pulling you over for speeding. Give me your license. If your driving record is good, I will drop the fine."
He showed me the radar gun which read 83km/hr. I started crying and handed him my license. I pulled over into the parking lot where his and another cruiser were sitting.
As I waited for my punishment, I cried even more. This wouldn't be happening if The Comedian and I lived in the same city. This wouldn't be happening if I wasn't so tired while I was driving. This wouldn't be happening if I hadn't spent the better part of my drive home bawling my eyes out.
The cop came back with my license and yellow ticket in hand.
"Your driving record is clean. Now at 23km/hr over the limit, it would be a $120 fine and 3 points off your license. But I am dropping it to 1km/hr over the limit and a $17.50 fine with no points."
He handed me the ticket and my license and I cried harder and apologized profusely.
"It's okay. Have a good night. Drive safe."
And for your amusement, and much to my chagrin, here is my very first speeding ticket ever. :P

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