Last week was absolutely brutal. I was damn near taken out by a particularly nasty bout with bronchitis.
After my last post, I ended up with a raging fever of 103F. Delirium got the better of me and I blacked out. But not before yelling my fool head off at The Comedian. Apparently I was ranting that he didn't love me. And I was bawling and yelling that I was going to die from drowning in my own phlegm.
Luckily, the wedding is still on. :)
During one of my sick days at home, I managed to pull it together enough to turn on the computer and finally put in the order for my wedding dress.
However, before I clicked send, I had to make a confession to The Comedian.
I had to tell him about this blog.
(And I figured I'd better tell him before I dropped $750 on my dress, just in case he changed his mind and we wouldn't be walking down the aisle after all.)
I took him into the bedroom and sat him down on the bed. For some reason, talking about serious stuff has always come easier when I'm sitting on my bed.
I tried to prepare myself for a big fat freak out on his part. I hmm'd and haaww'd and got all sorts of uncomfortable before I splattered it out.
I explained to him that I started blogging around 2003, but didn't really pick up any sort of steam until I started chronicling my divorce in 2007. That blog morphed into my dating blog, which then morphed into this one.
"Do you write about me?"
I told him he's known as The Comedian. And that a lot of people were extremely thrilled when we became engaged.
He grinned and gave me a kiss.
Then I dropped the little bomb about how explict some of my posts were prior to meeting him. (Remember Funny Guy?)
His grin drooped a little.
"I don't want to read about you being with other men."
I asked him if he wanted the link. He just shrugged. I suppose if and when the time comes, he'll ask me for it.
I kissed his sweet face and then happliy skipped back to the computer and clicked send on my dress order.
Epilogue aka DONE
16 years ago