I managed to do a mini road trip this week to the Niagara Region and then onto Cleveland to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
The road trip was supposed to be a week long trip to Memphis to finally see my mecca Graceland, however due to some very fine print with very large implications on the car rental, I was not able to acquire a vehicle for such an epic adventure.
I brought along my friend Luda for the mini adventure. We started off with a wine tour of my favourite winery Jackson-Triggs.

Our tour guide was sweet on Luda and gave us three extra tastings for free. That's us trying some ice wine that is $74 per bottle! He must have really thought she is cute. Which she is, of course.
Next stop, local greasy spoon diner to absorb all the wine we had.

We had plans to go do all the tourist trap stuff in Niagara Falls but while we were chowing down on our all-day-breakfasts, it started pouring rain. So we just ended up hanging out at my friend Jelly's house and played with her kids.
Afterwards we headed to my Dad's place and had dinner with him. After which, I took Luda down to the shores of Lake Erie so she could stick her feet into the water. I told her it was dirty and gross and not to do it. But she decided it was worth it to be able to say she's stuck her feet in that lake. She didn't realize how dirty it actually was.

Luda's Great Lake Adventure wrapped in about 3 minutes flat. :) And with that, we spent the remaining hours of the evening rocking out to Rock Band with my sister-in-law in preparation for our road trip to Cleveland the next morning.
The drive to Cleveland was pretty much smooth sailing with the exception of almost getting creamed by a Mac truck, twice. I tortured Luda by singing along to my collection of Glee soundtrack songs. She didn't realize I a) had the entire catalogue and b) it contained over 3 hours of music. And for the record, the torture was not the quality of my singing, it was the glee-ifying of classic rock songs. Which personally I think are totally wicked!
Three hours, twenty minutes and one sunburn later, we had arrived! HELLO CLEVELAND!!!

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is all sorts of awesome covered with delicious awesome sauce. However, due to the fact photography is prohibited, you're just gonna have to take my word for it. We were allowed to take pictures in the lobby. Here's what you'd see walking in through the front doors of that crazy building, starting from the left, over to the right.

We were at the museum for just a little over 5 hours. The exhibits which made me cry a little were Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Janis Joplin and Elvis Presley. At the Janis and Elvis exhibits, I got down on my knees and bowed before their glory while wiping tears from my face. Seriously. Some of the artifacts they had were mind blowing. My top three picks:
* The acoustic guitar Elvis played during the jam segment of the '68 Comeback Special
* Handwritten set list by Janis Joplin including the song "Mama, He Treats Your Daughter Mean" (I do that song with my band and I had no idea that Janis had done it in her early career!)
* The acoustic guitar John Lennon played at his bed-in when "Give Peace A Chance" was recorded
Oh I could go on with my top 10, top 20, top gazillion picks because everything there was significant and incredible. I will leave you a couple pictures of one artifact that we were allowed to take, only because it was parked outside. Oh yes, it is Johnny Cash's tour bus!!!

Although it wasn't the trip I had planned, it was a most excellent adventure. Well, minus the sunburn. Always remember your sunscreen kids! :P

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