Thursday, February 4, 2010

T-minus Four

I love Mr. David. Yup, I'm totally head-over-heels in love. If you were looking at me right now, you'd see stars and butterflies and hearts and rainbows and gumdrops and kisses all floating around me.

We were both early for dance class again (punctuality is one of the many things I love about him) and he asked me to dance while we waited for the rest of the class to show up.

This time, I managed to maintain control over my feet and we actually looked really good floating around the dance floor. So good that one of our fellow classmates said, "You guys look really good together!"

When class started, he stood right beside me as Nicole was going over what we'd be learning. She started off by telling us she'd spoken with the owner of the school and told her of our plan to perform the Waltz we'd learned. The owner is quite excited and looking forward to seeing our dance.

David then piped in with, "Oh, Paprika was just telling me how much she's looking forward to the Ball." Nicole looked at me and asked, "Really?" And I said, "Yes, yes! That's exactly what I was just saying." David chuckled to himself and Nicole picked up on the fact that he was putting words in my mouth. I smiled at Nicole and then looked over at David and he had a huge grin on his face.

Nicole then moved on to what we'd be learning this week - East Coast Swing. Yay! I *love* rhythm dances. I'm much better at rhythm than smooth dances. And I'd done ECS in the previous term so I wasn't totally lost the way I was with the Waltz. ECS is very similar to Jive in that it's quick and bouncy and super fun.

Nicole started showing us the choreography which I picked up in about two seconds. I noticed Mr. David was struggling just a little bit with it.

Finally! It was my turn to shine and not be the awkward nerd steak that I've been for the last three weeks!

The first bit of the dance was us ladies walking towards the gents in a cute and sassy strut. After the strut came a bunch of triple step turns (See, I am getting better! I'm using proper dance terminology!) where we would find ourselves facing our partners and then back to back and then facing again. The final part of the sequence was moving into a proper dance hold.

Nicole started up the music and off we went. I took a breath and made up my mind that I was gonna sass the shit out of this dance and show Mr. David what I could really do.

I strutted my stuff as I moved towards him and looked him dead in the eye. As I've mentioned in previous posts, I have an incredibly difficult time looking a guy directly in the eye when I have a crush on him. So I must commend myself on being brave enough to hold my gaze and not flinch and look away like I usually do.

Much to my pleasure, he stared me down and gave me a fantastic smile. I gave him my best come hither look which I saw him react to as we moved into the turn. When we came back around to face each other, he had a big grin on his face. I continued to sass it up through the rest of the choreography and by the time we moved into the closed dance hold, his eyes were twinkling and he was still smiling and maintaining eye contact.

We rotated partners and rotated back to each other and each time we did the dance, I strutted and sassed and he smiled in a way that really made me wonder what he was thinking. I can honestly say I was feeling some chemistry between us that I hadn't felt when we danced the Waltz.

The class just flew by and before I knew it, we were finished for the night. I spoke with Nicole afterwards to let her know I wouldn't be in class next week (I'm going to a concert with a friend and it's killing me that I'm missing class, especially since we're doing ECS now!) and she asked me again about partaking in the Ball. I told her I'm a definite yes to performing, but the question was whether or not I could figure out how to be there. Subtext: the ticket is damn expensive and I'll have to see if I strike it rich in the next few weeks.

I started gathering my stuff, changing shoes, and getting ready to head home. I was totally taking my time so that my departure would coincide with his. Another one of my dance mates came over to say goodnight and I made sure to mention loudly that I wouldn't be in class next week.

Mr. David joined us as we were moving towards the exit and he held the door open for me. We walked down the stairs together. He stopped at the doors for main reception.

"Wow, I'm beat."

"How many classes do you take per week?"

"Well until the Ball, I'm taking four private lessons and three group lessons."

"Will you turn into a pumpkin after the Ball?"

(chuckles) "Yeah. I have to see what I can afford. It's a lot of money."

"Yup, they don't come cheap."

"Well Paprika, have a good week wherever it is you're going."

"Oh, it's just a concert."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes, it's an indie band I'm seeing at The Drake with a friend."

"Enjoy the concert Paprika."


I think I floated the rest of the way down the stairs and on to the street. All I could see in my mind's eye was him smiling at me.

Writing about this latest encounter is making me wonder about a few things. First, it seems as though he really wants me to go to the Ball. Now is it because he digs me and wants to see how hot I look all dressed up or is it because he's a diva and knows we need a certain number of people in order to perform? Second, he keeps asking me to dance before class. Again, is it because he likes me? I know it ain't because I'm a brilliant dancer. Or is he just so in love with dancing that he'll dance with anyone, even nerdy awkward me.

I hope my rose-coloured glasses aren't skewing what's actually happening. Because I swear that I felt *something* spark between us last night.

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