Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I know I'm in a bad mood when I want to kick homeless people.

My day started out bad when I woke up. My body is even more stiff and sore from my grandiose display of ineptness at walking on Sunday night. I could barely lift my arms up in the shower to shampoo my hair.

The day got worse standing around waiting for an eastbound streetcar for over 25 minutes. I saw five EMPTY westbound streetcars. But nothing heading east. When one finally did show up, there were about 100 of us trying to jam ourselves into the stupid tin can. Of course, there were many people who did not get on and had to continue waiting. I was one of the "lucky" ones who got to board. And I use the word "lucky" because I had to endure a guy's crotch in my face for the whole trip. That whole fiasco incensed me enough to actually write a complaint to the TTC, for the first time in the 10 years I've been living in Toronto and using the transit system.

Bad goes to worse at work where one of my students got into a shouting match with my equipment coordinator. After my abusive marriage, I have NO tolerance for yelling. Unless there is a fire, THERE IS NO REASON TO YELL AT ANYONE! (Yes, I'm yelling but you can't actually hear it.) I set the student straight, i.e. tore him a new one and sent him back to class. My equipment coordinator then threatened to quit and went home early.

And the last straw was the homeless guy smoking in the underground passage between my office building and the mall food court. Okay, so I know he's homeless and has to spend most of his time outdoors, but the LAW applies to EVERYONE and there is NO SMOKING in public buildings. Yes it sucks that he's homeless, but that doesn't mean he's above the law. It's bad enough he fucking shits and pisses in that passage way every night. But the fact that he's exposing me to CANCER CAUSING AGENTS really burns my skirt. Shit and piss don't cause cancer. Smoking does. All I wanted was a smoke-free walk from my office to the food court so I could finally get my lunch at 2pm because all hell was breaking loose at noon when I should have been eating.


As shitty as today has been, I'm still grateful I'm alive, relatively healthy, employed and not homeless.

1 comment:

  1. well your day did improve by 6:30pm! :D
    There's only this; No day but today.
