Monday, March 1, 2010


I woke up on Friday morning with a sore throat. Little did I know it would knock me flat on my back for 3 days.

I've spent the better part of the last 72 hours unconscious. I did manage to remain awake long enough to see Team Canada take golden glory.

I still marvel at how my own body can betray me so badly. Whenever I get sick, I get demolished. The last time I came down with a little cold, it turned into full blown pneumonia. When I had a little tummy ache, it turned into appendicitis and a subsequent appendectomy.

But as bad as I've been feeling, I am still grateful that overall, I am a generally healthy person.

I've been reading Eva's blog over the last several weeks. Talk about being betrayed by her own body. All I can do is cry and pray for her. I cannot even begin to imagine being in her situation. I can't imagine what her family and friends are going through.

I'm still having a really hard time with this whole mortality thing we all must face at some point. I figure if I ignore it, it'll go away. I've never made a bucket list because I refuse to acknowledge there's even a bucket to be kicked.

Ignorance truly is bliss.

And now back to bed...

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